C Level UAE Nationals

Our database includes hundreds of professional profiles for the best and most experienced C-levels in the market. Our goal is to support our clients in achievingtheir corporate employment objectives and meeting the Emiratization targets by matching business needs with highly skilled UAE national candidates.

Mid-Level Managers

We support Emiratization and encourage our clients to consider strong local candidates, even if they are not necessarily looking. We reinforce our database withlocal profiles, mainly mid-level managers, to ensure they are active participants in, and beneficiaries of, the UAE’s continued economic growth.

Fresh Graduates

In line with the national strategies and directives,and the UAE Government’s goal to maximize employment of UAE Nationals,our Emiratization team provides Emirati Graduates with the resources to develop their CVs and gain expert advice on their career path, as well as help them find the right jobs.

Students for Internship Programs

Our objective is to help Emirati candidatesenter the job market with more knowledge and hands on experience,as well as assist companies leveraging our local expertise to support the growing demand for qualified Emirati candidates.